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Participant conditions

Participation conditions for Bergen Vest Airsoft
Airsoft is an extreme activity. Anyone under the age of 18 must have parental consent to
able to play Airsoft.
In Airsoft, you will be able to experience being shot at close range, and that this can result
bleeding and swelling. Airsoft will also cause serious damage to the eyes, or in the worst case
falls can result in blindness if non-approved protective equipment for Airsoft is used.
The participant signs that he/she cannot hold VAT liable.
The participant also signs that he/she must follow the rules and instructions which
is given by the organizers at all times.


1. To be able to participate, you must confirm with your signature that the participation takes place entirely on
own responsibility.

2. The participants are obliged to inform the organizer of illnesses or injuries that cause
that Airsoft activity can be dangerous. The participant must decide for himself whether he can play

3. BVA can in no way be held responsible for theft, material damage or
personal injuries.

4. Participants are obliged to follow instructions from the game management.

5. BVA is sovereign in its decision and can interrupt the activity at any time if a
or several participants do not follow given instructions.

6. BVA is sovereign in its decision and can deny participation to persons if they are not
fit for it, or for other reasons that could endanger people and/or equipment.

7. Participants who are visibly affected by medication, alcohol and/or other intoxicants
funds will be denied participation.

8. Participants who deliberately cause damage to people, the track and/or equipment may
be held financially responsible.

9. Glasses must be worn at all times unless otherwise instructed.

10. Bullying is not permitted.

11. Vandalism of other people's equipment is not permitted, you will be held financially responsible.

12. Under no circumstances is it allowed to act threateningly or aggressively
neither before, during nor after the event. Always contact the organizer or
the board if the need arises.

13. You have read and understood the rules that have been posted ahead of the event.

14. Homemade grenades etc. are not allowed.

15. Pyrotechnics May be allowed in some cases, notice will then be given.

16. It is only permitted to shoot at objects and people who are part of the game. See before
one shoots, the players are often wearing colored team bands. Do not vandalize the game


17. All weapons must be packed away before and after games. The weapon must not be visible from the time you leave the door at home until you are in the game area and after the game it must be packed away until you are home.


18. You must always treat the weapon as if it were loaded and aim in a safe direction. 


19. You must never put a magazine in the weapon before the game starts and always take it out when the game is over.


20. I must always have a good weapon culture, and exercise attitudes towards extreme sports that contribute to increasing the sport's reputation and credibility, as well as pass these attitudes on to others.


21. I will never use my airsoft gun to commit an illegal act.


22. I engage in extreme sports at my own risk and am personally responsible for ensuring that my safety equipment is in good condition and that I use it at all times when this is necessary.


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