Your first Airsoft games
Now that you have taken the fisrt step towards joining BVA's airsoftgames then we have some tips ang suggestions for you. This will hopefully help you to get the best experience while playing with us. Everything you need to know should be here.
Meetup: sunday 10:30 @ Totlandsvegen 232
There are no kiosk or food service during regular games, so remember to bring food and drink to last at least 6 hours.
Our playingfield is a thypical norwegian forrest, normal sneakers are therfore not recomended.
We play in a slightly rough terrain and will therefore recomend hikingboots, militatrystyle boots or similar.
Most experienced players will probably use some form of camouflage. While this is recomended, most players started out with hiking boots, hiking pants and a hoodie.
Remember... We play i Bergen, check the weatherforecast before heading to the game ;)
If you do not own or have access to airsoft guns it is possible to rent for free the first 2 games (3 if you are under 16years old) for members this costs 50kr pr rental.
Its obligatory so become a member if you want to play after the included free games.
Rental guns consist mainly of M4, AK47, Mp5, HK416, with Highcap mags. (150-500 bbs) If you specify what gun you want to try then you might get that specific gun.
Safetygear is also included.
Remember to send your request for rental geag within the thursday before the game at 20:00
When you arrive you will get a bag containing the gun and safetyequipment.
This bag and its content is your
responsibillity the entire gameday.
Det anbefales sterkt å kjenne til reglene før du kommer på spill, vi sparer mye tid med dette, og du sparer deg for hodebry! Trykk på den røde boksen.
Det minnes om våpenforskriften § 84 «Under transport skal skytevåpen være tomt for ammunisjon, og skytevåpen og ammunisjon skal være under tilsyn. Våpenet skal under transport være nedpakket i futteral, bag, veske, sekk eller lignende.»
Våpen skal ikke rettes mot dyr.
kun lov å skyte inne på spill området, og dedikerte områder i Safe Zone.
For foresatte:
Barn og ungdom 13-16.
Vi ønsker at foreldre/foresatte deltar på spill, i minste fall er tilstede under sikkerhets informasjon, og utdeling av utstyr.
Vi forventer at foresatte og spillere er innforstått med at de drar for å skyte andre mennesker med plastikk kuler, og må derfor regne med å selv bli skutt.
Vi 'treffes'
Ta kontakt om du skulle ha noen Airsoft relaterte spørsmål. (eller ikke finner fram)