This is a page with generall information about the sport and what you need to do to join our games.
We appreciate if you read through everything.
Thath gives us more time to focus on other important things around the game.
To maintain the safety in the best possible way we need a heads up when a entirely new player or a player under the age of 16 wants to join.
For players under 18 we demand a form signed by their parents or leagal guardian.
For player under 16 we also demand that parents of leagal guardian show up before the game stats to get a quick review of our rules. We need to be sure that both the player and parent or legal guardian understands and accept our rules and the potetial danger of the sport
Player under 18 are by norwegian law not allowed to carry airsoft guns in public even if its covered up.
This means that players under 18 who have airsoft guns cant bring them without adult supervision.
How can I join a game:
What is Airsoft
How do I join games?
To join the games, you sign up for our Facebook event for the day in question.
If you are new, please send us a message
on Facebook. We would very much like new players to show up a little earlier for information and signing forms.
NB,if you turn up for games unannounced, we may have to send you home. This is right now because of the corona situation.
Feel free to fill in the relevant forms and send them to us by email, or ask us to bring a form with you so you can sign at games.