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When is the deadline for gear requests?The deadline is Thursday 18:00 We can in certain cases consider requests afther the deadline, but do not expect this.
When is the deadline for gear requests?The deadline is Thursday 18:00 We can in certain cases consider requests afther the deadline, but do not expect this.
What does it cost to lend equipment?The trail period is free - 2 Games for those over 16 years and 3 for those under 16. After the trailoeriod you need to pay and become a member of Bergen Vest Airsoft to continue playing with us. Menmbers can pay 50kr to lend equipment, but new players will be prioritized.
What does it cost to lend equipment?The trail period is free - 2 Games for those over 16 years and 3 for those under 16. After the trailoeriod you need to pay and become a member of Bergen Vest Airsoft to continue playing with us. Menmbers can pay 50kr to lend equipment, but new players will be prioritized.
What do i need to bring?Clothing that matches the weather that day, shoes that have good support and that can handle wet terrain I a must have. We play in the woods and its therfore ofte wet, slippery and rough terrain. Food and drink is also important for the day to be as comfortable as possible.
What do i need to bring?Clothing that matches the weather that day, shoes that have good support and that can handle wet terrain I a must have. We play in the woods and its therfore ofte wet, slippery and rough terrain. Food and drink is also important for the day to be as comfortable as possible.
When do i get a reply on my lending request?We will reply on the lending request when the deadline is over. We do this normally on fridays. The deadline is Thursday evening. You are not guaranteed equipment just by sending in a request. There might be people before you in the que.
When do i get a reply on my lending request?We will reply on the lending request when the deadline is over. We do this normally on fridays. The deadline is Thursday evening. You are not guaranteed equipment just by sending in a request. There might be people before you in the que.
My request got accepted but i cant join.If you have received a comfirmation about your gear request but cant join us, then send us a notice about this at least 24 hours befor the game starts, If we do not receive a notice it will count at one of your free lendings and you will therfore have one less free game as a new player. If you are a member and do not give us a notice you would have to pay for that request before we will accept ne requests from you.
My request got accepted but i cant join.If you have received a comfirmation about your gear request but cant join us, then send us a notice about this at least 24 hours befor the game starts, If we do not receive a notice it will count at one of your free lendings and you will therfore have one less free game as a new player. If you are a member and do not give us a notice you would have to pay for that request before we will accept ne requests from you.
What equipment do I get to borrow?You will get safetyequipment, a airsoft weapon and 600BBs. If you need more ammunition you can buy this during the breakes between games.
What equipment do I get to borrow?You will get safetyequipment, a airsoft weapon and 600BBs. If you need more ammunition you can buy this during the breakes between games.
Whats the agelimit to join?At our club its 13years old. Your parents or leagal guardian HAVE to join your first briefing and sign a permition form before you as a minor can play with us. They also have to be ther when we explain our rules. INFO: There are no spesific age limit in Norway to join in on a airsoft game, but we have experienced that 13 is a good limit when it comes to maturity.
When can i buy and own airsoft weapons?It is 18 years age limit for bying and posessing airsoft weapons. Exeptions can be made, but this is something you would have to contact norwegian police to get,
Im new, how does this work?Don't despair we are here to help you! We will lend you equipment for free during your trail period (2 -3 times depending on age) Afther the trail period the price will be 50kr pr lending. Lending equipment is reserved for new players, but others can ask for lending equipment and if there is capacity you might be able to lend. It is crutial the you read our roules form, information form and sign our participant acceptance form.
Is it free to play?In your trailperiod, after this a membership is mandatory. One years membership will only cost you 350kr, this might vary. The trailperiod is 2 times for those over 16 and 3 for those under 16years.
What is a membership woth?You will get a feeling of beloning the club and will help the sport to develop localy and put airsoft "on the map" You will receive a members patch, free or reduced price on our grand games. You also get at chance to run for a possition in the board. All members have their right to be heard and to send in suggestions that could change ruled within the club. From time to time there will be arranged social gatherings and other events. These will be free or at least cheap for you as a member.
I am a parent/ legal guardian and my child under the age of 16 wants to join. What do I need to do?If your child wishes to join us, then you as a parent or legal guardian would have to read and understand the same rules as your child. In addition you need to read the form designated for parents and legal guardians and sign the permit form. You would also need to take part in the oblicatory traning and breifing the first game your child participate. You are then free to join us during the rest of the day or leave. As long as you come back or arrange for your child to be picked up ;)
I want to invest in this sport, what should I buy first?We recomend safety glasses rated for airsoft and a meshmask at your first investment. A smart choice would then be to buy some sort of eletric rifle. Snipers and shotguns can be alot of fun, but its not recomended at a beginners weapon. Clothing and apperal is next, chose something that can handle rough use. Shoes that give good support in difficult terrain and that kan handle mud and water. Dont hesitate to ast other players, and maybe tell them how much money you were thinkning of spening.
What kind of clothing do i need? Are there any minimum requirements?Clothing that blends in is an advantage. Good shoes and then the rest is up to you. There are no rules about this, these are just recomendations.
When do you play, and for how long?We play every sunday, the game starts within 12:00 - meetup within 11:00. We play until 17:00 or until nobody have enough energy to continue. Saturdays is usually set up for more advanced games than normal sunday games. Spesific information about saturday games will be anounced, There will be short breaks between games, one round depending on mode can last up to 60min. If there for some reason turns up few players or the crew finds it irresponsible to arrange a game due to weather or other reasons the game will be canceled. This will be announced via our social platforms.
Are granades or mines allowed?The short anwer is yes, a more fulfilling anwer is that not everything is allowed. If there is any uncertanty about your granade or mine, ask one of the crew. You can find more information about our weapons rules here.
Food and drinks?Yest, its a good idea to bring. We are out in the woods for a long time, bring enough food and water to last 6 - 8 hours. Remenber to clean up your trash, there are no trashcans in the woods.
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