Game mode
Here you will find a brief about our game modes that are used in the new area.
Game technical information is listed before the game. It is desirable that everyone knows the modes.
If you have suggestions and wishes, please send them to us via our chat functions.
Game mode usually lasts: 20-60 min.
Buddy heal: friendly teammate physically attacks you for 10 seconds, you are now alive again, and must perform a defensive action if there are enemies nearby.
Bleedout time: the time during which one can be revived. When this expires, you have to go back to respawn.
Spawn on general: 10sec spawn time, 30sec revive by 2 team mates to revive a General.
Seerulesfor further information
*Starts in teams of 1-3 people.
- own team names
-Number of teams is based on participants.
*If you get a hit on other players, they can be stolen over to your own team.
* to steal someone over to your own team, you have to revive the player in question.
The team that is left with all the players on their team wins.
Stealing is a hunting mode, where you have to look for enemies.
Team Deathmatch is known from most shooting games and consists of two teams fighting against another, and in short this means that the goal is to take out as many players as possible on the other team.
Spawn rules vary based on the number of participants.
Newer game mode. Involves transporting a flag from point A and through several checkpoints. The team that has carried the flag closest to the enemy base wins.
1 spawn on friendly
1 medic per spawn
Out of ammo = Perma death for single player.
2 spawn points for each team, one up and one down in the terrain on each team's side.
Everyone starts the game at spawn 1.
(See map)
Spawn in base: 10 seconds
2 buddy heals per return to base.
Bleed out: 45 seconds minimum and 2 minutes
max (only when you have buddy heals left).
Spawn on general: 30 seconds
Each team chooses a player who is "general", that person has a 5 m zone behind them where team members can spawn in.
It is not possible to spawn on the general if he is actively being shot at, nor can the general shoot when someone is spawning.
Main rules/Summary
2 layers,
Maximum playing time 1 hour 30 minutes.
Each team is given a map where three points are marked (1, 2 and 3).
The objective is to get hold of the bomb and use it to blow up your team's points.
Each team must blow up their points in ascending order.
Both teams fight to control the other
the bomb in play, to transport and "plant" it at its points.
You have to be two to carry the bomb.
The bomb cannot be thrown. If you are shot while carrying it, it must be dropped where you stand.
The bomb is marked on the map with a yellow cross and starts in the middle of the swamp.
The bomb must be planted at a point for 10 minutes to "detonate". Then it can be carried to the next point.
3 layers. Blue, red and neutral. Both teams can cooperate with the neutral team to achieve their own goals.
1 flag is placed on the field, all teams must try to keep this flag. After 45 minutes GAME-OFF is called. The team that then has the flag. Winner
Team rules:
Buddyheal time: 10 Seconds.
Spawn time: Immediate.
Bleed out time: Max 2 min (must go to spawn when time is up).
Healing time: Expires (cannot heal itself).
Spawn time: Instant (go to spawn to restart).
Bleed out time: Expires/None
Each team must choose two generals.
The generals will be provided with an extra colored team armband (same for both teams) and they must be worn at all times during the game. (e.g. yellow ribbon).
The teams will try to take out their opponent's general and remaining soldiers!
The team that first manages to eliminate both generals on the opposing team is most likely to win.
ONLY allowed to spawn on your general, if he/they are taken out no spawn can happen
The generals control the team and decide for themselves how he wants to use his soldiers, whether they should defend or attack the opponent.
It takes 3 players to revive a General.
Spawn: On General.
Main goal
Part 1. Both teams start in a battle for the flag which is placed at point A.
The team that takes the flag must then transport it to point B.
The flag at point A must be physically held for 1 minute to capture it.
Part 2. The flag must be transported to point B to protect it for 10 minutes.
If the other team takes over point B before the time, they must protect it - the time is then halved.
Only need to touch the flag to hijack it in this part!
The time the first time it is hijacked is 5 minutes
The second time hijacked will be 2.5 min
Third and last time 1 min
The players will be split into 2 teams
Main Rules/Summary
Healing time: 10 Seconds
Respawn Time: Instant (0 Seconds)
Bleed out time: None
Flag game
Game Mode/Division:
Both teams must defend their flag and attack their enemy.
When your team's flag is down no respawn/buddyheal can happen.
Your team must fight to raise the flag again for respawn/buddyheal to be possible. The first team to take down the other's flag and take out everyone wins.
Possibly the team that has its flag down when the time is up, wins.
Main task:
The players will be split into 2 teams.
1 team captain per team.
Healing time: 10 sec
Bleed out time: 1 min
Respawn time: 30 sec
Playing time: 45 min
When you have bled out, go to the agreed respawn area.
Respawn happens after 30 seconds when you have reached the spawn location and the flag is down!
Main goal
Be the last team to have the most flags up when time runs out.
2 layers or more.
No maximum number on the teams, as many as possible.
Bleedout 1 min, after this you MUST go to spawn.
1 buddy heal per respawn.
Main rules/Summary
Have control of all the flags at all times, then you ensure the chance of winning.
Bleedout time: 1 minutes.
Respawn time: 30 seconds.
Buddy heal: 10 seconds (1 per spawn).
10 Bomb games
Main goal
The game mainly consists of there will be a sack/bag ''bomb'' which must be obtained and placed/planted in different places and defended for 10 minutes.
If the opposite team manages to come and take over the "bomb", then they must hold the set point for 10 minutes.
When they have held a place for 10 minutes, it must be moved to the team holding the "bomb" to their next goal, if they are then unable to place it at their point because another team has got hold of it, the "bomb" must be moved until the team's next goal. The same applies to all goals.
11 Airdrop
Main goal
There are supplies from the Yellow Team for the Allies' troops, they must get hold of these as soon as possible. Nobody knows 100% where these are because the supply plane was shot down before it had finished delivering supplies. Therefore, there were slightly different places where it was delivered instead of the agreed place. Supplies will be located in various areas in the forest, you must transport these objects back to your own base. The team with the most objects retrieved will win this game.
Yellow Team will patrol around the forest during this mission, they can be freely shot at and captured for reading their map. They want some map info on where the supplies may have landed.
12 Capture the flag
Main goals:
Find and transport the flags home to their own base.
When the flag is in the base - hold the flag for 5 min before you get the point.
2 teams or more in case of large attendance.
No limited number on the teams, as many as possible.
Healing/Bleed Out/Spawn:
Buddy heal 10 seconds (2 per spawn)
Bleed out for a maximum of 1 minute
Spawn in base immediately, BUT if flag is defended for 1 minute.
Defense flag in the base expires bleed out time and buddy heal.
Main rules/Summary:
Bring the flags to their base, when in the base hold for 5 min.
Should be a place where the flags are gathered and another place where spawning happens - this per team.
ONLY respawns on players defending the flags in the base.
More teams and more bases in case of high attendance
White medic ribbons - own medics
Distribute layers according to FPS class (green, yellow, orange, red)
G-1 Black dot= Safe Zone.
F-2 blue dot= Spawn 1.
B-2 Red dot=Spawn 2.
D-4 Purple dot = Forest height.